IJTIHAD is a necessity to achieve a perfect FUTURE!

Activities & Events

Why Ijtihad Journal?

The Islamic library in Europe has been enriched with a new scientific journal, the Ijtihad Journal for Islamic and Arabic Studies (IJAIS). This journal is published by the Ijtihad Center for Studies and Training in Belgium and is registered with both the Royal Belgian Library (KBR) and the National Scientific Library under the serial numbers ISSN: 2983-9939 and ISSNe: 3041-4679. The journal is biannual, peer-reviewed in accordance with international academic standards, and focuses on Islamic and Arabic studies in Europe and the West, and religious studies, interfaith dialogue, comparative religion science, the jurisprudence of minorities, and the image of Islam in the West. The Ijtihad Journal is overseen by a distinguished team of researchers, experts, and scholars from various universities and research centers, representing a wide range of academic interests.


Research Projects

Divers Research Projects

The Ijtihad Center launches various research initiatives and projects, including the Ijtihad Journal for Islamic and Arabic Studies, training, study days, and courses organized by the Ijtihad Academy in cooperation with centers, institutions, and universities in Belgium, Europe, and the Arab and Islamic world. In addition, we launched the “Studies of Islam in the West” series, the first edition of which was published in 2023. We invite researchers to participate in this research project with their studies, taking into account the vision of the Ijtihad Center and its editorial policy.

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

The Need for Ijtihad Academy

The Ijtihad Center is not limited to theoretical research; it actively applies its research findings on Islam in Europe and the West to real-world situations through various cultural, intellectual, and training activities. The Ijtihad Academy specializes in education and training, offering two types of programs. On the one hand, specialized training is provided to groups of students and researchers. On the other hand, general training is aimed at broader, non-specialized groups.

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air

ICST Units

6 Research Units

The Ijtihad Center organizes its research projects, intellectual efforts, and activities, including seminars, meetings, and lectures, in six research units, which are as follows:

  • 1. Unit of Interfaith Dialogue

  • 2. Unit of Orientalist Studies of Islam

  • 3. Unit of Jurisprudential Issues in the West

  • 4. Unit of Migration, Society and Religion Studies

  • 5. Unit of Western Media and the Image of Islam

  • 6. Unit of Islamic Education

boy playing puzzle
boy playing puzzle